Deliver packages on the most slippery driveways in the world!

Keyboard controls

  • X to jump/interact and C to toggle magnets
  • R to retry

Gamepad controls

  • X to jump/interact and A to toggle magnets
  • Start to retry


Made in 48 hours for Ludum Dare 53

Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
(95 total ratings)
AuthorJérémy Bouin
GenrePlatformer, Action
Tags2D, Controller, Ludum Dare 53, Pixel Art, Puzzle-Platformer, Short
LinksLudum Dare


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me gusto el juego :)


Really good game! keep up the good work!


Really good game, the mechanics were nice and some levels threw me for a loop (in a good way)

(1 edit) (+2)

Great work! The boxes clipped into things sometimes when they collided with corners, but the presentation was great and the gameplay was super fun.


Good short game

(1 edit) (-2)

i made a speedrun, Great Game!

Deleted 333 days ago


bro is watching too much internet and bringing it here, just ignore it



good idea , nice


gud game


Game really has a lot of juice, all the mechanics feel really satisfying.

I managed to bounce over the delivery van on my first run and got stuck tough , had to refresh. 

Soundtrack is nice.


The idea of the game is beautiful and unique

I wish you more excellence



Good game!


I adored this game! I've seen a ton of other games that have the mechanic of "can't stop moving BUT you can still jump," however, this one really stands out. What really made the game for me was the graphics and level design. 

I actually said "WOAH" out loud when I first saw the level melt transition. That was awesome. All the art was super well made. I really enjoyed the lava movement and death effect. Really brought everything together.

The introduction of moving multiple boxes at once was super cool to me. I had never seen something like that done in the "can't stop running jumper" genre before. That made this game unique to me.

Amazing work, especially for 48 hours!


This was so short but so enjoyable! I hope you expand on this concept more it was a blast!




Si te gustan los videojuegos para pasar un buen rato y no tener que pensar demasiado, con este GAMEPLAY te enseñamos por qué este SHORT GAME by Jérémy Bouin, ICY PORCH te va a encantar. Con este SHORT GAME by Jérémy Bouin, te conviertes en repartidor por un día y tienes la misión de entregar paquetes a sus respectivos clientes a través de los caminos más resbaladizos del mundo.

Short and sweet :)


Good game


This game was awesome! Very challenging! 10/10 would recommend


Very cool


This is very fun. An extended version would be nice.


cool small game


Very nice! GOOD Game


Congratulations Jérémy Bouin !


I really enjoyed it!! Nice game concept




nice music, high-tier efffects, good level design. I would love more of this




Very nice! pro level transitions


Damn what a great concept. Even the phase effect was sweet. Great Job!


the diffusion effect is really cool


Icy Porch Walkthrough


Really well executed concept. Only improvement that comes to mind would be making retries trigger faster.

I am pretty sure you can just press X while the death sequence is playing to immediately respawn.


Fantastic game! Nice progressive design of the levels. Wasn't overloaded with complicated mechanics. Each of the mechanics was used well and introduce nicely. The minimal UI design and great soundtrack made it a fun jam game.


Cool game! Very nice and unique mechanics (twin packets). Challenging and needs your full attention, especially the last level.


Very  nice game, me like it!